
Zeptej se vědce

Active collaboration with the initiative Zeptej se vědce ("Ask a scientist"). They gather more than 100 researchers and scientists with various backgrounds who answer questions asked by general public on social media.

Since September 2023 I actively participate as author of responses and occasional reviewer.

Czexpats in Science

Czexpats in Science is a network of Czech scientists who work and live abroad. 

In collaboration with Czexpets in Science and the Embassy of the Czech Republic in France, I'm organizing Czech-French Science Meetup - a meeting of Czech scientists and scholars studying and working in France.

In October 2019 I gave a lecture in their Workshop Na PhD Ven ("PhD Abroad") that aimed to inform Master students in Czech Republic about the possibilities of PhD abroad.

My project in 180 seconds

My talk for the LIRYC Communication Award competition that took place on 15 December 2022 at IHU LIRYC. In 180 seconds I present the main idea of my postdoctoral project that aims to investigate sex-specific differences in ventricular arrhythmias. The talk received the ANCRE Communication Award.

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